Hanko, Southern Finland

Exploring Finland: road trip to Hanko via Snappertuna, Tammisaari and Fiskars

My original plan was to go to Ahvenanmaa by car for a weekend. But after a deep and more detailed research I came to a conclusion that two days is just not enough. It’s doable in three days, but best is to have at least four. It also means that it will need a bigger budget as well. Long story short, plan A went right out the window. And for some unknown reason I haven’t prepared any plan B, which is completely out of character for a control freak like me.

Why I chose Hanko? Well, I’ve never been there before. Plain and simple.

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Lake Salosvesi, Rantapirtti, Jamsa

Mini road trip to Rantapirtti

Ah… summer… My favorite time of the year! I love it so much that I can even close my eyes on a fact that Finnish summer is not so ideal. Yes, it’s quite short, there are not many warm and sunny days and plenty of rainy ones instead. Finns even have a joke about it: I’m looking forward to summer… it’s the nicest day of the year.

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